Monday 19 November 2007

Top 5 Stupid DIY Accidents - Number 1

And here is our favourite - our number 1 DIY disaster.

It's about a chap called Nigel from Leicester who decided to nail the floorboards down in his bathroom with a DIY staple gun.

Which is fair enough.

However, our Nigel only went and lost his balance and fell over. And as he told TV interviewer Carol Smillie: "I heard the gun go off. I felt a pain in my chest, so I went to take off my jumper, but I couldn't because it was nailed to my chest."

It was later revealed at hospital that the nail was an inch inside his heart, and a single millimetre away from the main artery. However, the most shocking, and most stupid, aspect of the story, is that he actually considered removing the nail with pliers before dialling 999.

And certain death would have followed.

You mind how you go now.


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